Monday, February 5, 2007

Mudbox 3D Tutorial #1 - Meshes & Levels

Where does one begin in learning such a huge application as Mudbox? We open it up and look at all the options and say, "Now, what???"

Well, we've decided to work in small steps and limit each tutorial to one or two principles at a time. So, we've devoted this first step to exploring Meshes. A mesh is the basic shape that we use to build our 3D model. The reason it's called a 'mesh', even though the form looks solid when we bring a basic shape up on the screen, is that behind the surface is a wireframe (actually a mesh of interconnected wires) that gives the surface its shape.

In this lesson we'll look at the three basic mesh shapes; Cube, Plane and Sphere. We'll look at how to increase the detail of the mesh (more 'faces' in the mesh) to permit us to work in greater detail on the surface of our object. And, we'll show how Mudbox gives us the remarkable ability to choose the optimal number of faces to select the proper balance between computer performance and design detail by working in various 'Levels'. Total time (9:30)

Mudbox 3D Tutorial #1 - Meshes & Levels


Korsair said...

Whoa... sweet. Got linked here from someone's sig at, and I have to say while not very helpful to me, this would be the perfect thing to help someone like my art teacher, who has trouble in apps like photoshop, learn 3D. My teacher was wanting to try it out anyway, I'll have to show them this.

Unknown said...

REally nice, i cant wait to lean how to model on this software.. great job man =D ! Thanks for sharing your experiences =D

Jason Kane said...

This is a helpful resource!

CG Sculpt
The Site for Digital Sculptors

Ana Pozzo said...


Me chamo Ana Carolina, trabalho na empresa Render Multimída, temos como objeito o desenvolvimento e a venda de cursos nas mais diversas areas.
Estamos recrutando cadidatos para o cargo de Autor Externo,tendo como função o desenvolvimento de cursos.
Para os candidatos que vierem a desenvolver cursos, estes terão ganhos fixos e variaveis, além de poderem ganhar um monitor de 21,5″ e + 5 cursos da Render de sua preferência.
Para saber mais sobre a Render e ter mais informações, entre em contato pelo e-mail:

Atenciosamente Ana Carolina
Equipe Render Multimídia